Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Despite the horrific wishes expressed in the comments of young Laura's post, she will not be harming anyone here or doing further damage to herself. We have bound her for her own good. She had bitten her arms terribly and fought fiercely when we tried to prevent her from committing more acts of self-mutilation.

Her affliction has not been an easy thing to deal with for any of us.
We had attempted offer her some comfort by giving her a computer with which to occupy her mind. She should not have been able to access the blog to talk to you all, but she apparently figured out how to remove the block that another member of our group had put up. I am disappointed, but I must remind myself that she is being influenced by the demon.    

It is difficult to hear her suffering. Her screaming has been near ceaseless since we bound her. We are all thankful that it will be at an end tonight


  1. Influenced by the demon? Oh no! Laura used her brain to try to help herself! Clearly that must be the work of the devil as the faithful would never sully themselves with thoughts of their own.

    Isn’t that right Father?

    1. Pathetic wretch, are you truly not yet satisfied with the torment you have inflicted on the child? Go back to Hell where you came from

    2. Heh… That is quite amusing coming from you, considering what you’re doing to Laura

    3. We are doing what is best for the safety of everyone here, Laura included. You only act to serve your own sick, selfish desires or those of Satan.

    4. Judging from what Laura posted, if I had not stepped in with some advice she would have lost herself to the Azoth by now. You’re no help to her.

    5. Implying that you are?

    6. Ha! No, but that’s not my responsibility; it’s yours and you are failing at it.

    7. This whole conversation about failures reminds me of Artyomka.
