Saturday 22 February 2014

I have been blind

As I am sure you are all aware, young Laura is now a host to a demon.

I did not want to believe you or her. I did not want to think that it could be true, but she was caught in the act of cutting her own flesh. Her blood was black.

I see the truth now. I know that vile whore KnitWolf has been here somehow and has infected the child.

Laura is now locked in a room, without anything with which to cut herself. The window is boarded and the room is guarded. Truly, I wish there was some other way, but we must keep her like this for her safety as well as ours.

Soon we will call to the Lord our God as He has commanded. On that day, she will be cleansed and her soul will be saved. 


  1. You need to do something concrete. She's of this earth, so do something of this earth. Praying is clearly not working out for you, pray if you want, but you need to think creatively now.

    1. What would you have me do? I cannot let her go on cutting herself. If we let her go free she will either find a way to continue to do it, she will possibly hurt the others, or she will run out into the devil's clutches. I cannot let that happen. I do not wish for anyone here to suffer needlessly.

      I know that it appears to you like we are not doing anything, but I tell you we are taking action. What we are doing will have concrete results soon.

      In the meantime, I know not what else to do to but pray. I do not know of a better way to fight the forces of Satan

    2. I said think creatively. How can you call yourself a leader if you don't think creatively?

      Firstly, you need to find a way to communicate with Laura. All this happened because you weren't listening to her. So start listening. That way she can tell you if there's anything she needs, or if she is losing control and is about to break out. That way you get an early warning. If anything, it will just be a comfort to her that you are making an effort to reach out and listen. Find a way to give her things that will make her comfortable; aggravation will only make it worse. Through a split in the window, under the door, whatever. Stop thinking of her as a soul, stop thinking of her as a lamb in the flock, and start thinking of her as a fucking human being who needs your moral support.

      Next port of call, once you have adequately stabilised the situation, is Kelevra, Incognito, the Wolf, anyone who has experience or knowledge of azoth breakouts. Find out how they worked through it and relay this information to Laura.

      As for whatever plan you have, make sure Laura knows what you're going to do. Make sure she has a say in your options and see if she can contribute ideas of her own beyond self mutilation.

      Fucking listen, that's what you need to do. L I S T E N.

    3. I am listening to her. I listened to that poor child scream that she needed to cut herself. I listened to her begging for a knife because she was hungry. I told her that we would get her more food, but she says it won't stop the hunger. It does not make any sense.

      As for finding out how those three worked through it, Incognito told me in the past to get rid of her, Kelevra is a foul wreck of insanity who is in love with the demon he bears, and KnitWolf wants to kill us all. Neither of these appear to be reliable resources at the moment.

      Young Laura knows what we are going to do.

    4. Trust me, I've been there, scrabbling around a room looking for something to cut myself with, don't think I don't understand to at least some degree. Provide a pillow, at least. Comforting things.

      No, how THEY worked through it. Not their suggestions. They all came to some kind of agreement with what was inside of them. Also, Incognito's brother managed to help with that by reminding Incognito of a family member. So provide that moral support and help Laura negotiate. Find out what it's like, what it wants.

      Kelevra and the Wolf haven't lied to you any. As for Incognito, he ain't gonna tell you what you want to hear. But he would certainly be the first person I look to for advice. I'm not saying you should get rid of her but he knows what you are dealing with in more depth.

    5. We have tried to make the room as comfortable and safe as possible for her. As for the demon which afflicts her, I do not care what that thing likes or what it wants. Our Lord will rid her of it soon

  2. Oh dear. Father, you have my sympathy, for while you may have regained your sight, you are still completely deaf. I'm willing to bet that Darkleaf there is quite right about your lack of listening. Correct me if I'm wrong but I strongly suspect that your lost little lamb did not walk into that room willingly. In fact, I suspect that she probably put up quite a struggle, knowing that she would be in there with out a way to cut herself. Am I right? Tell me father, what did she say as you locked her into her makeshift cell?

    1. Come to gloat, husk?
      Laura fought. As I told Sanna, she screamed and begged for a knife because she needed to cut herself. Are you satisfied? Is that enough suffering to inflict on a child for you? You sick sadistic monster

    2. No, I'm not here to gloat. I will say that considering the little lamb's condition, you should watch your terminology... But that's not why I'm here either. I am here to tell you that you are being an idiot. The little lamb has a wolf to feed now. She has my hunger; my bloodlust. As it was a part of me, it has become a part of Skein and now it is a part of her. Both the Azoth and the hunger will consume her if it goes unfed for too long, especially if she is still refusing to accept its presence

    3. I was consumed by what you call "the hunger" don't make it sound like, once you get consumed, there's no turning back. You're just like Kelevra with your pathetic, subtle, mind games.

      - Mr. Incognito.

    4. No, you were consumed by something different. Calavera and Fortissimo are not the same as myself and Skein. I respect him but our goals, what drives us onward, while sharing some similarities are, at their core different. Therefore, Skein is different from Fortissimo; thus what Laura is going through is different.

      That being said, yes you were able to come back from being consumed and that's great that you did. I would give you a cookie and a pat on the back right now if I could. But as you said, you were able to do so by threats and she has none to offer.

      Also, I'm not playing a mind game right now, at least not entirely. I'm trying to teach. Generally it has been my experience that teaching works best if the student is alive and conscious, at least until the end of the lesson, so that is what I am trying to facilitate.

      But of course, no one has to listen to me. In fact I'm 99.9% sure that the priest won't. I'm the enemy, after all. I'm the spooky demon servant of Satan who twirls her non-existent mustache while working his will upon the earth. Thus I am not capable of telling the truth or suggesting anything good. Simple black and white. Right?

    5. FWIW I don't think Mr Brien will listen to me, or you, or Incognito, or anyone except the bloody Archangel and its fuckpoppers. We're all united in frustration here.

      Speaking as someone who has no will or purpose to live to the point of suicide, it's probably much better to die with your will to live, than it is to die without.

    6. Of fucking course the priest won’t listen. Shithead won’t believe anything we tell him even if it’s smacking him in his stupid fucking face. I could tell him that I just had some fucking Taco Bell and I’m going to get the Wolf to teleport me over there so I can fart on him and then do it and he wouldn’t believe it. Even after getting fucking blasted with secondhand burrito this dumb ass would probably just say it was windy or some shit.

    7. Well that's one way to celebrate Maslenitsa.

    8. Heh... Knowing you and Mexican food Fell. he would probably also be proclaiming that the lord was testing him by striking him blind

    9. Sanna: Hahaha I don't know what the fuck that is but I'm pretty sure that my farts are the best way to celebrate most occasions! :p

      Wolf: Yeah where if it was you who farted he’d be saying that god was testing them by burning the fucking building down

    10. Hahaha oh yeah well you snore

    11. Maslenitsa is like a week's celebration for the start of spring to build up happiness for the year. I was raised atheist but my mam and her side of the family was religious and used to make me celebrate it with my grandmother Roza. I got to eat pancakes so I wasn't gonna fuckin complain. ^_^

    12. Well you never take out the garbage

    13. that last one was meant for the Wolf

    14. Sounds pretty fucking sweet tho. Pancakes are always good

    15. No, it's true, I've yet to take out the garbage. The toxic, festering garbage called Artsyom.

    16. Yeah I can't fucking wait for the day you kill that stupid shitfucker

    17. I also look forward to Artsyom's inevitable end, Darkleaf

      And Fell, you never wash the dishes

    18. Well you don’t dress yourself up anymore

    19. Well maybe I would if you would take me out on a date once in a while

    20. Well maybe I would if your relatives would stop showing up whenever the fuck they want. Last time they were here they spent the whole time judging me for swearing in front of the kids

    21. Well what about YOUR relatives? They’re always complaining about my cooking! Honestly! Where am I supposed to get a buffalo?

    22. Hey! Uncle Ernie has some very specific fucking dietary requirements. He can’t help that!

    23. Keep your sickness off of my blog.

      Sanna: If Saint Michael himself brought the word of God to your ears, would you not listen? What if God himself spoke to you?

    24. "Keep your sickness off of my blog"... is it just me or does that comment reek of homophobia?

      Sure, I'd listen, I'll hear what anyone has to say. But ultimately, the decision is mine, I don't give a fuck if my advisor is a deity.

      Matthew 15:21

      A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to Him, crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly."

      23 Jesus did not answer a word. So His disciples came to Him and urged Him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us."

      24 He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."

      25 The woman came and knelt before Him. "Lord, help me!" she said.

      26 He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs."

      27 "Yes it is, Lord," she said. "Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table."

      28 Then Jesus said to her, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." And her daughter was healed at that moment.


      ^ Bible passage wherein a woman is rewarded for challenging God.

    25. Oh dear, that does indeed sound like homophobia to me.

      If that's the case, then I must say Father that's a... rather odd thing to be worried about considering everything else

    26. SHIT! Wolf! He's on to us! He's figured out our plan to spread the gayness all over his blog so that everyone will catch it!

    27. Not to worry Fell, they should all be infected by now. The gayness is highly contagious you know.

    28. Fucking right! I mean, you can see what the fuck it did to Hart!
      That "girl" he was behind the bar with that time? It was totally Kelevra in fucking drag.

    29. It's OK Hart; I made a similar mistake once; I was too busy catching the gayness to realise it was a man's dick.

    30. Heh... Well this would explain why Calavera was encouraging you to get out more

    31. Sanna: As opposed to a woman's dick?

      Wolf and Sanna: I'm going to start throwing up now, and I may never stop

    32. @Hart - That was the joke. Although, people can be trans* and identify as a different gender to what was assigned to them at birth! ^_^

    33. It has been a while since I last had "fun", I'd be delighted to have "fun" with you Harty. I have only one complaint, you need to be cold and lifeless for us to have "fun". What do you say?


    35. He puts the "bad" in "bad, bad company, till the day I dieee", all he needs is for you to put in the "die".

    36. I refer you to my last comment.

    37. Sanna, I am not homophobic, though the act of homosexuality is a sin
      I would rather that they kept such displays off of my blog especially as it stands in mockery of a terrible situation. I say the same thing to Kelevra for demonstrating his deviancy here

      My child, the point of the passage which you have quoted is not to challenge God, but to worship him even if he does not answer your pleas. In the end, if you remain strong in your faith, you will know his mercy

    38. Ah so you were there when they wrote it

    39. Oh please do go on, Father. Tell us how to correctly interpret the word of god as clearly only you can. Tell us more about your god too. I can't help but wonder if you even know what it is that you're calling to

    40. I worship and pray to the one true God. He who created Heaven and earth. I suppose you will now try to convince me otherwise, demon?

    41. Not at all, Father. I know there is no convincing you. I am simply curious as to how much you know about your god.

      Now, in the bible, it is said that god created mankind in his own image. What does this mean to you?

    42. God created man to resemble Him, not through physical appearance as the Lord is spirit, but through our morality and reason.

      Do you presume to know more about the nature of God?

    43. So your god has no physical form? Nothing that is visible?

    44. I told you that the Lord is spirit and that is what I meant. He is not visible. What of it, wretch?

    45. Oh, I'm just trying to gauge how much of a surprise you're in for.

    46. Do not speak as if you know God when you have sold yourself to Satan

    47. I don't claim to know god, but I do have reason to think that I have a better idea of what you're calling to than you do. Better than they do as well.

    48. Better than they do? What are you talking about?

    49. The others who follow this blog

    50. y'all motherfuckers need blue oyster cult, not the timberwolf cult.

    51. Heh... If only they followed either

      Well, lets hope that they don't fear the reaper

    52. I do not fear death. I do not fear you. I do not know what either of you are talking about but you know nothing of God

  3. Don't confuse my words, as the words which suggest the only course of action Father. There is a way to deal with it, communicate with it and MAKE it work for you, make sure you are in control and not the substance.

    The way I did it, was by threatening IT by killing myself, if I were to die, the substance would die as well. However, convincing it of that is impossible, unless you truly have a death wish. The substance can read your emotions, it will easily be able to tell when you're lying. I have nothing to live for, so I don't have a desire to live, hence it felt threatened when I told it that unless I'm in control, I will kill both of us.

    But that is why I suggested you kill Laura, she clearly has a desire to live, she won't be able to come to a conclusion with the substance, all the substance wants to do, is cause Fear, it's the only thing it knows how to do. That's why Kelevra and KnitWolf were able to come to a conclusion with the substance, both of their actions, create fear, hence the substance see's no need to control them.

    Laura clearly has no desire, so killing her is the only way to save her the suffering and others who are around you. This is no religious bullshit Father, you can't pray, or holy water your way out of this one.


    - Mr. Incognito.

    1. Maybe this is "religious bullshit"? Who are you to say it's not? You aren't there and they clearly know things that you don't. So maybe you shouldn't stick your ass in where it's not wanted.

      I think they should DEFINITELY do what they were going to do. I can't see it going wrong, ever. They should sit there and pray all day and all night. I'm 100% sure that God will take His precious time off maintaining a complex world of seven billion people and the infinite universe beyond it, just to help one whiny little kid who could actually stand to lose the holier-than-thou attitude. I'm absolutely positive and they should do it.

      Ignore Incognito, Father Brien, he's just a jaded old fuckwit who likes to feign reason.

    2. As for you, I run into you, I kill you.

      - Mr. Incognito.

    3. Yeah, you've said like a million times now. I ain't done shit to you. But I'll let you dig where I bury your dead body.

    4. I see now what your intentions are but you must understand that we are not dealing in idle gestures. God has spoken to me. I must follow His commands.
