May the
virtuous among you take comfort in this holy time of year. God bless you and be
with you
For those of
you who have allied themselves with Satan and legions, may you take this time
to reflect on the choices you’ve made. Perhaps the light of the Holy Spirit
will find its way into your heart.
I’m Laura. I
just turned 14 yesterday sooo happy birthday to me, I guess. I wish Lacey could
have been here for it. I miss her a lot. I miss the others to. I hope I’m good
enough to make it to heaven so I can see them again when I die.
If any of
Satan’s servants are reading this, I wanted to ask something. Why do you want
to work for the devil? Why do you want to hurt people?
I mean, all
you do is kill people and get in trouble with the cops and people who fight
against the devil. Your boss is faceless and horrible to and you’ll
go to Hell for helping him, so why do it?
to regroup since Satan sent his servants to our hiding place four months ago. Three brutal creatures, devoid of humanity, attacked me and used me as a hostage for a terrible bargain. We lost four members of our flock that day: Lacey, Stuart, Bert and Ruth. They were family to us and their loss was devastating, especially as it came on the heels of a period of peace. Knowing that our sanctuary had been shattered, we fled in every direction. We had hoped that by doing so, we could not so easily be tracked, thus we would be able to more safely rejoin at our decided location.
I blame myself for this, as it was my lapse in vigilance that led to my capture and thus the capture and death of those four. May God forgive me my weakness and may they be at peace in their eternal rest. For those of us who remain, we will persevere. We will not lose faith. We will do battle with the devil's filthy lot and prove ourselves worthy to bask in God's light in the kingdom of heaven.
To aid us in
this goal, young Laura suggested that we make this blog. She said that there
were others out there who are afflicted by the demon in his earthly form, and that
perhaps we could learn something from their experiences. She seems to have
already taken the opportunity to visit some of you, judging by the reading list.
I am saddened
to see so many of God’s children have turned their backs to him and sold
themselves to the devil, though I suppose it is to be expected in this secular
age. May God have mercy on your souls. For those who remain steadfast in their
faith, for those who do battle with Satan, may God and the Archangel Michael
bless you, guide you and shield you.
Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against
the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly
pray. And you, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust
into Hell Satan and the other evil spirits who prowl the world for the
ruin of souls. Amen.