Well I don’t care if you don’t get it, it’s not what I
want! If you’re so worried about me then you should stop because I CAN’T LIVE
But, of course, this isn’t really about me is it? This is
all about you and your stupid hunger!
I’ve given you my blood! I’ve given you SO MUCH of my blood!
My arms are covered in cuts to feed you! All I wanted to do was keep from
killing people! Was that too much to ask??
This all makes sense now that I think about it! No wonder
you didn’t want me thinking about the future! You didn’t want me to be in a
place where I wouldn’t be afraid, because then I wouldn’t panic and you
wouldn’t get to take over and kill!
You’re just like everyone else, messing with my head just
to get what you want!
I hate this and I’ve had enough!
I won’t let you kill anymore. Try it and I’ll make sure
we starve together