Young Laura attempted to run away after most of us had retired for the night. Fortunately she was seen and brought back to the safety of our home before the devil appeared. I was roused from sleep by the yelling and rushed out to see what was happening. Once again I lead my flock in prayer. Once again, the devil was barred from entering and disappeared.
I shudder to think what would have happened to the child had
she gone unnoticed. Even without Satan emerging to strike, she would have
perished in the harsh snow covered land around our sanctuary.
The poor girl is convinced that she is a danger to us and so
ran in an attempt to protect us. Her nightmares, brought on by the trauma that
she has endured, have affected her terribly. This has been worsened by KnitWolf’s sadistic attempts at weakening her faith and by others who have been
deceived by that demon husk.
We are
safe here in this holy place, where the devil and his servants dare not enter. We remain strong in our faith. I thank the Lord and Saint Michael
for lending us their strength
Now I must rest